A Tropical Paradise

Green Basilisk Lizard - The local nickname is the ‘Jesus Lizard’ for its ability to run across the water’s surface

I can’t get enough of Costa Rica.  A beautiful destination for a break, wonderful weather, stunning scenery, friendly people, but above all the abundance of wildlife – particularly birds.  I’m just back from my second trip – a combination of holiday and a bit of photography.  I travelled light – see this previous blog.  For both trips, the photography was not pre-planned or targeted – rather it was opportunistic.  We sorted out guides locally or did our own hiking – and I always had my trusted 500mm lens on my sling.  If I spotted something, I would spend some time observing and shooting.  And in some cases, I would re-visit that spot again once or twice as our itinerary permitted.

An Eyelash Palm Pit Viper … beautiful but venomous

Not known for its speed - a Three-toed Sloth moving slowly through the branches

My photography focus was mainly birds as Costa Rica has such an enormous variety of species.  I wanted to capture at least a reference shot of as many different bird species as possible, whilst also hopefully get something a bit more interesting in terms of photographic quality and animal behaviour.  I will reserve the details of my birding quest for another blog.

Whatch behind you! The Snowy Egret would like the Tricoloured Heron’s breakfast …

This blog is all about the fabulousness of Costa Rica and a taster for anyone who would like to explore its wildlife and nature. 

A Tiger Longwing - Costa Rica has an abundance of beautiful butterflies

Costa Rica is a rugged country straddling the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.  It is a country known for its biodiversity, with a quarter of its area protected rainforests and jungle, beaches and volcanos.  The biodiversity is astonishing for such a relatively small country, with claims it contains 5% of the world’s species.  They have embraced the protection of the natural environment and it is paying off – as a result it is a popular tourist destination, particularly for nature enthusiasts.  It is a birder’s paradise with over 900 species, including many beautiful and colourful birds.

A portable house is not a bad idea - a Hermit Crab

The scenery is so varied for such as compact country.  There are so many options within relatively easy reach.  Both the Pacific and the Caribbean sides have plenty to offer, and so has the forests and mountains in the middle.  If you have the opportunity to visit, I would recommend Tortuguero on the Caribbean, the Osa Peninsula on the Pacific, and no trip should miss out the fabulous Monteverde rainforest.

A somewhat irritated Racoon

I will be back, and next time I will pre-plan the photography to focus in on a few projects – maybe reptiles, or butterflies and definitely the Quetzal.  Although I managed to capture a shot of the Resplendent Quetzal on the first trip, it is purely a reference shot of limited quality (the bird was way up in the thick dark trees against a bright white background).  I would like to spend some time focusing on this bird.  It is such a beautiful creature and I really want a much better shot of it.  It is always good to have targets in photography and that is on my list!  Next year?

More photos from Costa Rica can be found in this gallery.

Mother and child - Three-toed Sloth

A rare sight - Sloth mum and baby on the ground - at sunset in poor light shot handheld at 500mm (f5.6, 1/200s, ISO 4500)

Upside-Down Howler Monkey

A Green Ibis in Tortuguero … a taster for my upcoming Birds of Costa Rica blog …


(A few) Birds of Costa Rica


Monochrome in a World full of Colour