The wilderness of British Columbia
Harbour Seals chillaxing on a floating log
I am just back from a fortnight in the Great Bear Rainforest. This remote part of Canada’s Pacific coast is stunningly beautiful. I had the pleasure of joining the renowned wildlife photographer Brad Hill ( on an exploratory tour of this wildlife wilderness. The trip focused on rarely visited areas of the rain forest. On board the schooner Passing Cloud we explored channels, fjords, estuaries, inlets and rivers using a Rib to get close to any action. The aim was to observe and photograph wildlife whilst keeping a respectful distance so as not to disturb their natural behaviour.
A thriving environment for the magnificent Bald Eagle
We targeted sea and shore birds, marine mammals, bears and the elusive target – the shy and rarely encountered Costal Grey Wolf. This is a short blog entry, as I have not yet had time to sift through and edit my many photos from the trip. A few quick ‘tasters’ are presented here, but a later blog will cover the tour in more detail. Needless to say, it was an epic trip to one of the most unspoilt and diverse natural ecosystems in the world. A truly remote (we rarely encountered other vessels or people) and spectacularly scenic environment. More to come …
A Grizzly Bear looking for Salmon
Sea Lions having a dicussion